Dear Supporter,
Over the last several months, The Sentry has been working closely with CNN on an investigation into mass atrocities committed in the Central African Republic (CAR) by the Wagner Group, a private mercenary army with ties to Russia. The investigation has revealed that the Wagner Group, allied with government armed forces loyal to CAR President Touadéra, is unleashing violence on civilians in an effort to control and exploit the country’s gold and diamond mines. The atrocities inflicted upon civilians include mass killings and extrajudicial executions, torture, rape, pillage, kidnapping for ransom, and the burning of villages.
The investigative report can be watched below, and you can read the full article on
In conjunction with the report, The Sentry has released a series of recommendations to help halt the ongoing devastation and human rights violations in CAR. We will continue to advocate with governments and financial institutions around the world to stop the grave human suffering at the hands of transnational criminal networks allied with the Touadéra regime.
John Prendergast
Co-Founder of The Sentry
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