The Oregon House voted to protect infanticide.
Dear John,Last week we reached out about the Oregon Senate vote on infanticide. You responded with over 2,000 emails from pro-life advocates to state senators about protecting born-alive babies. That's incredible! Today the Oregon House voted on the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act (HB 2699). Here are the details: - The bill never received a public hearing.
- CDC data says that as many as 143 babies have been tragically left to die after a failed abortion, but if more states collected data that number would sadly be much higher.
- Our polling shows 78% of Oregonians, including a majority of Democrats, Republicans, and voters with no political party, oppose infanticide.
- 37 pro-abortion Democrats voted to keep infanticide, an extremist position.
- All 22 pro-life legislators in the House voted yes to protect born-alive babies.
Use the button below to access our tool to contact your representative. If they voted yes to protect born-alive babies, they will get a message thanking them for
their pro-life stand. If they voted no there will be a message expressing your disappointment in their extreme position.
Because born-alive babies deserve an advocate, Reagan Knopp
Political Director