
The Jewish Policy Center Proudly Presents



Our Fall 2019 issue features:

An inFOCUS interview with Representative Jack Bergman

China’s Threat to Free Navigation - Mark Meirowitz
Maritime Chokepoints: Inconvenient Geography - Peter Huessy
Why Is China Buying Up Europe’s Ports? - Keith Johnson
Testing U.S.-Israel Alliance: Chinese and Haifa’s Port - Yaakov Lappin
U.S. Navy and Marine Corps: An Expeditionary Power - J.E. Dyer
The Dragon Awakes: China’s Ambitions in Northeast Asia - RADM James R. Stark
In the Persian Gulf – A New and Fragile Situation - Stephen Bryen
The Decline of Maritime Piracy in the Horn of Africa - Peter Cook and Terry McKnight
Russia’s Naval Targets and Current Capabilities - Bruce Jones
America’s Maritime Security and the U.S. Coast Guard - CDR Patrick Culver, Lt. CDR Brian Chapman, Lt. CDR Paul Windt and Lt. Sean Newmeyer

Shoshan Bryen reviews "Victory in Tripoli"

JPC Executive Director Matthew Brooks says, "This issue of inFOCUS is intended to better understand America as an island nation that assumed the role of guarantor of freedom of navigation after 300 years of British-dominated control of the seas.  Prosperity for us, our allies, and aspiring countries is dependent on that freedom to ship goods, people, and energy."

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