
Senate Republicans have managed to block a plan for an independent commission to investigate the January 6 insurrection and we need your help to fight back.

We need at least 500 more people to sign this petition before midnight tonight calling for a bipartisan commission to begin investigating immediately.

Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans think they can sweep January 6 under the rug and the rest of us will forget about it.

We can’t let that happen, John.

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“This vote has made it official: Donald Trump’s ‘Big Lie’ has now fully enveloped the Republican Party” —Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer


Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and the vast majority of the Republicans in Congress voted to block an investigation into the deadly January 6 insurrection and made it clear that Republican Extremism has taken hold over the Republican Party.

We can’t let them get away with this. We need to push for a commission to investigate January 6 and the events leading up to Trump’s mob storming the United States Capitol.

Before the end of the day, will you add your name and call on Congress to create a bipartisan commission to investigate the January 6 insurrection?


If we don’t keep pushing for this, we risk letting the instigators of the insurrection get away with what they did. Even worse, we risk letting it happen again.

Let’s get this done.

—Team Moulton