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World Resources Institute


PODCAST: Real-Time Data Protects Forests in Cameroon 

Remote forest-monitoring technology provides a key defense against illegal deforestation. In Cameroon, it empowers people to take the lead in protecting places that are key to their livelihoods. In WRI’s Big Ideas Into Action podcast, Cameroonians share how they use near real-time data and other resources available from WRI’s Global Forest Watch. Listen here.

Caption: A logging truck transports timber in Cameroon in this 2010 photo. While many logging activities are legal, new technology helps people in Cameroon track illegal deforestation. Credit: J.G. Collomb, World Resources Institute
Caption: Many corporations in the U.S. pledged to pursue climate action even when the U.S. government, under President Trump, pulled out of the Paris Agreement. “We are still in” became a rallying cry, as shown in this 2017 image. Now, as the Biden administration prioritizes a net-zero approach, businesses in the U.S. and other G7 countries continue to fall short of the Paris Agreement climate ambitions.  Credit:  Schuyler Null, World Resources Institute

4 Charts Rank G7 Stock Market Indexes by Climate Commitment 

A new report from the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) finds that although every G7 country has a long-term net-zero commitment, the big companies in the main stock market indexes of each of these countries fall far short of a 2°C pathway. SBTi researchers lay out their findings in four illuminating charts. Least bad? France. Worst: Canada. Read more.

Caption: More electric vehicles mean more demand on the electric grid. Carefully-managed smart charging technology could help the shift to electric vehicles without creating demand for dirty power sources. Here, the Argonne National Laboratory in Washington DC pairs vehicle charging stations with renewable energy infrastructure. Credit: U.S. Department of Energy

3 Reasons Why Smart Charging Is Key for Electric Vehicle Fleets 

Demand for electricity to power electric vehicles is expected to grow exponentially in the next decade – a scenario that could lead to a major uptick in utility bills and the use of dirty power. The answer: cleaner, more efficient grids. WRI’s Emmett Werthmann and Norma Hutchinson lay out three ways that smart charging technology is critical for the success of the transition to electric vehicles. Read more.

Caption: G7 Leaders and guest leaders pose for at the summit in Cornwall, in southwest England in the U.K.  Credit: Wikimedia Commons

PRESS STATEMENT: G7 Leaders Tout Climate Ambition, But Falter on Climate Finance 

Leaders of seven of the world’s wealthiest countries met in the U.K. over the weekend, where they agreed to a target of net-zero by 2050, and to halve their collective emissions by 2030. Despite those bright spots, no one announced a timeline to phase out domestic coal use. Canada and Germany announced climate finance commitments for developing countries, but all told, that funding still falls short of the $100 billion annual goal. Read a statement from WRI’s Lorena Gonzalez, senior associate for UN Climate Finance.



Global Launch: Zero Carbon Building Accelerator
June 22, 2021
9 - 10:30am EDT

2020-2021 Prize for Cities Awards Ceremony
June 29, 2021
9:30 - 10:30am EDT