October 10, 2019        

The Hidden Costs of a Universal Basic Income
by Arkadiusz Sieroń

Supporters of the universal basic income claim it ends dependence on markets, bosses, family, and bureaucrats. But it doesn't eliminate dependence. It only transfers dependence to the central state.

Powell Lied: Quantitative Easing Is Back

The need to inject more than 270 billion US dollars into the short-term money market teaches us that liquidity is much lower than the Federal Reserve estimated and the agents’ debt much greater.

Tucker Carlson insists that capitalism is just a "tool" that governments can regulate and manipulate so as to better serve "the people." In practice, this just means one group of "the people" uses government policy to enrich themselves at the expense of others.

There are only two ways to solve environmental challenges: competition and technology. That requires capitalism, not the government.


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