A super PAC is spending tens of thousands of dollars right now to spread disinformation and lies about Alexandria.
This just broke:
A super PAC is spending tens of thousands of dollars right now on an attack campaign against Alexandria.
This just goes to show that special interests are gearing up now for the 2022 midterm elections — and it’s critical that we have the resources to fight back against the lies and disinformation that these attack campaigns historically spread.
Keeping our campaign strong with grassroots support is the number one way we can communicate the truth about Alexandria, our policies, and what our movement is fighting for.
Before our important end-of-quarter deadline, can you please make a $3 contribution today to help fight back against disinformation and keep AOC in Congress?
Contribute $3
Alexandria is one of the most heavily targeted Democrats in Congress. Right-wing outlets like Fox News spend countless hours trying to stoke outrage about her policy agenda, and special interests pour big money into spreading disinformation about her to voters.
While they stay busy attacking Alexandria, she’s always going to remain focused on speaking truth to power and fighting for a better world for working families.
But she can’t do this work alone. She needs a strong grassroots movement alongside her. And we rely on small-dollar donations from emails just like this one to fight back against this harmful disinformation and keep Alexandria fighting in Congress.
If you’re able to, please make a contribution of $3 or anything you can today to make sure we’re prepared to fight back against these attacks.
Thank you for being on our team,
Team AOC