Update from the G7 summit
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Hi friend,
You rock!
Thanks to your support we distributed hundreds of sticks of rock with our cancel the debt message in and around the G7 summit.
From journalists to politicians to campaigners – we made sure that our message ‘Cancel the Debt’ was on everyone’s lips.
Together, we were able to really Stick it to the G7. And it seemed we had reason.
They met, played at the beach but buried their heads firmly in the sand. The G7 failed on debt, the climate and the vaccine. Read our Senior Policy Officer Tess’ breakdown of the summit:
Blog: The G7 ducks the challenge of the debt crisis ([link removed])
But despite the woeful reaction of the G7, not all is lost. This weekend reminded us that we are all part of a movement of thousands of people who won’t stop fighting for justice.
Thank you so much for your continued support.
As ever, stay safe and well.
Best wishes,
Zak, Eva and the JDC Team
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