Dear Friend,


Tomorrow is International Domestic Workers Day, and Adhikaar along with coalition partners  have planned a day filled with calls to actions -- and we have some great news to share with you all!   

  1. In New Jersey, we are introducing the NJ Domestic Worker Bill of Rights in both the Senate and Assembly. After more than three years of organizing and base building with Nepali-speaking domestic workers in NJ, we are excited to be at this phase of the campaign with our coalition partners. 
  2. In NYC, we are rallying at City Hall to #PassInt339, that will expand human rights coverage for Domestic workers in NYC.
  3. The federal Domestic Worker Bill of Rights will be introduced in Congress, and today our domestic worker and immigration/TPS member leader Rukmani is in D.C. to meet with Vice President Kamala Harris, Senator Bob Menendez and Senator Dick Durbin to bring attention to the importance of caregivers and immigration.

The NJ Domestic Worker Bill of Rights is sponsored by Senator Richard J. Codey, Senator Loretta Weinberg, and Assemblywoman Britnee N. Timberlake. The landmark piece of legislation would afford basic labor rights and protections to New Jersey’s 50,000 domestic workers, many of whom are experiencing wage theft, denial of breaks, and lack of sick leave.


Sign the petition and join us in this historic celebration and fight for the rights of all NJ domestic workers.


In NYC, there are around 200,000 Domestic workers who provide essential care & support, yet they continue to be excluded from human rights protections in the workplace. We must address these systemic inequalities that impact women of color in the care sector. 

It is time that domestic workers are covered under the NYC administrative code that expands the definition of employer under the human rights law to include individuals who employ domestic workers, providing workers with long overdue protections against discrimination in the workplace, and coverage under the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act. It is time NYC council #PassInt339. Sign the petition and join us as we rally in front of the City hall!


By #PassingInt339 and the NJ Domestic Workers Bill of Rights, the City and the State will take a proactive step to prevent discrimination against women and people of color in our city that hits black and immigrant women the hardest. It’s time for human rights for all domestic and care workers.


As always, our supporters are integral to our movement. Consider donating to Adhikaar today for International Domestic Workers’ Day to ensure we can continue building on our wins and fight for a just and humane world where all workers and immigrants can live dignified lives and thrive. 

In solidarity,     


Narbada Chhetri,   

Director of Organizing & Programs, Adhikaar