Dear John

We’re facing a climate emergency. We desperately need the government to intervene – but they’re still failing to rule out new climate-wrecking projects.

When the government didn’t call a stop to plans for a new coal mine in Cumbria back in January, there was a national outcry. The deep coal mine would be the first in the UK for 30 years. It would release more than 8 million tonnes of planet-harming greenhouse gases every year. 

The final decision will now go to a public inquiry beginning in September. We hope we can stop the mine and we’re working closely with Cumbrian groups like South Lakes Action on Climate Change. But there’s no guarantee it won’t go ahead.

Will you consider joining the fight as a Friends of Earth member with a regular donation? You could help us stop the coal mine once and for all.
These disastrous plans have been justified with the rationale that the mine would produce coking coal for the UK’s steel industry – in fact, less than 10% of coal would be used for this.

If we’re going to stop the mine from harming our planet, we must act now. Your donations are vital so our campaigners, planners and lawyers can: 
  • Build grassroots power and create a stronger network of community groups opposing the mine.
  • Strengthen support from local people and politicians by highlighting the huge potential for new green jobs in Cumbria.
  • Appear at the inquiry and argue that the mine’s impact on climate change would be unacceptable. 
The government has already backtracked on allowing the mine, following enormous pressure from the public, politicians and local groups that had campaigned tirelessly against the plans for years. So, with your support, winning here really is possible.

Friends of the Earth has a proud track record when it comes to fighting alongside communities to stop coal mines – like our victories over the opencast mines at Druridge Bay in Northumberland and Nant Llesg in south Wales. This is the next big battle. It’s a chance to end coal mining in England for good.

Your regular donation will help us fund the vital campaigning, planning and legal support we need to challenge the mine.
Thank you so much for your support. 

All the best,  

Tony Bosworth 
Friends of the Earth
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