From Jan Morgan <>
Subject The press fears me because I'm pro-Trump
Date June 15, 2021 2:14 PM
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Dear Fellow Patriot,

The mainstream press here in Arkansas fears me.

As one liberal reporter said about me: “she’s very outspoken, very conservative, and very pro-Trump.”

That reporter was right about me -- but he got one thing very wrong.

In his puff piece about my RINO opponent, he said he thinks my RINO opponent will get re-elected.

But the days of the GOP Establishment running the show are over, and you can help me show the press, and the D.C. Swamp just that with a generous contribution to my campaign today ([link removed]) .

My RINO opponent condemned President Trump just months ago.

He wanted President Trump PROSECUTED for giving a speech on January 6.

The GOP Establishment never changes. They are fakes, frauds, and phonies.

They used President Trump when it was convenient, and threw him under the bus when it wasn’t.

They HATE the idea that the America First movement is taking over the GOP forever -- and you can scare the daylights out of them by chipping into my campaign right away ([link removed]) .

That’s why the press is trying to brush me off here in Arkansas.

But when I ran for governor on my America First platform in 2018, I nearly retired a RINO.

This time around, the America First movement is stronger than ever, and we’re going to get the job done.

But I can’t do it without your support, so rush in your contributions to help me defeat a RINO right away ([link removed]) .

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Thank you in advance for helping me defeat the RINO establishment.

In Liberty,

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Jan Morgan

Republican for U.S. Senate, Arkansas

P.S. The press here in Arkansas fears me because of my pro-Trump, America First platform.

Chip into my election campaign today and show me you’re ready to retire a RINO for good ([link removed]) .

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