From Judith Sandalow <[email protected]>
Subject A father's fight for his daughter's education
Date June 15, 2021 2:02 PM
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Plus! An opportunity to celebrate DC's outstanding men this Father's Day Mr. Sorto and his daughter, Yesenia, then nine-years-old. Every day we partner with caring fathers, grandfathers and father figures like Mr. Sorto, whose concern about his daughter’s struggles with distance learning made him determined to get her the educational support she needed. “Yesenia was always a creative child,” says Mr. Sorto of his 12-year-old daughter. “But her learning difficulties made it hard for her to learn without special help. The pandemic just made it so much harder for her to focus and learn.” Like too many children, Yesenia struggled as she no longer had the hands-on help she once received in school, and her autism made it difficult for her to connect socially with other students through the screen. She became depressed and began to develop new behavioral health issues – including angry outbursts, crying and withdrawing from activities. “The pandemic was leaving her behind – academically and socially,” shares Mr. Sorto. He called their Children’s Law Center lawyer, who had helped Yesenia switch to a new school before the pandemic – one that offered specialized learning support and was committed to engaging with Mr. Sorto. Together, we worked with Yesenia’s school to identify and implement new strategies to help her adapt. As lessons incorporated her love of art – including comic books that encouraged her to read and art class each morning – she began engaging with school again.   Today, Yesenia is once again excited to learn. “With help from her lawyers and her school, Yesenia is now active in her classes and motivated to learn – and her recent grades are A's,” shares Mr. Sorto. “The happy and energetic girl I knew is back.” This Father’s Day, you can honor a caring man in your life – and help District families like the Sortos! With each gift, we will mail or email a personalized card to your loved one, letting him know that you have made a gift to Children's Law Center in his name. Give now and make a difference for DC families during this difficult time. Each gift bolsters Children's Law Center's work to ensure that families can thrive as they recover from the impact of the pandemic. Join us in celebrating your family and families across the District. Your generous, tax-deductible gift helps Children's Law Center continue fighting so every child in the District can grow up with a stable family, good health and a quality education. With gratitude, Donate Children's Law Center | 501 3rd Street NW, 8th Floor, Washington, DC 20001 Unsubscribe [email protected] Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice Sent by [email protected] powered by Try email marketing for free today!
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