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Netanyahu’s legacy: Allying with US hawks and fomenting division in Washington

By Mitchell Plitnick on Jun 14, 2021 11:52 am

Israel’s longest serving prime minister beat the Iran war drums for years and finally got the ear of an American president in Donald Trump.
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Ending the threat of war in Ukraine without zombie solutions

By Anatol Lieven on Jun 14, 2021 11:18 am

As their summit approaches, some serious thoughts on how Biden and Putin can pursue a negotiated peace in a fractured land.
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What the UAE takeover of Yemen’s islands really means

By Arwa Mokdad on Jun 14, 2021 03:21 am

Far from withdrawing from the war in Yemen, the Emirates is pursuing a hard-line and establishing itself as a military power for the long haul.
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Is South Korea beginning to take more responsibility for its own security?

By Doug Bandow on Jun 14, 2021 03:00 am

Encouraging Seoul to do more militarily was an unplanned result of the recent summit between Joe Biden and Moon Jae-in.
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US ‘debating’ future air support for Afghans against Taliban

By Adam Weinstein on Jun 10, 2021 03:36 pm

It's not clear how military strikes to protect Kabul wouldn't become a slippery slope towards re-entering the war.
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Washington needs a new approach to human rights promotion — in China and beyond

By Rachel Esplin Odell on Jun 09, 2021 06:19 pm

Biden's new course should run parallel to geopolitical competition.
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