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Tuesday, June 15th, 2021

The Lessons of Waco

Ron Paul, MD

What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About Covid-19 Vaccines

Bill Sardi

Evil Empire: Why American Catholics Must Oppose the State

Daniel McAdams

Why Patriots Shouldn’t Pledge Allegiance

Brian McGlinchey

A Shift on the Right

Henry Delacroix

Flying the Flag For Woke Imperialism

Sean Collins

Inflation’s Here and Getting Worse

Issues & Insights

Censorship: Facebook Has Removed 16 Million Pieces of Content & Added ‘Warnings’ on 167 Million

Arjun Walia

Covid-19, mRNA Bioweapon, Ivermectin, & the Importance of Vitamin D

Dr. Ryan Cole

Cell Phones: The Elephant in the Room

Edward Curtin

Dr Roger Hodkinson Interview With Anna Brees – As the Evidence Becomes Overwhelming


The Covid Vaccine and Depopulation; The Beginning of the Trail

Jon Rappoport

LRC Blog

Political Theatre
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