The Democrat party supports, aids and abets this. Iran's totalitarianism is an aspirational goal for them. Total control and Jew killing - the Democrat party wet dream.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

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Iran’s Torture Mastermind Set to Become the Next President - Geller Report News
The Democrat party supports, aids and abets this. Iran's totalitarianism is an aspirational goal for them. Total control and Jew killing - the Democrat party wet dream.

RETURN OF THE PRIMITIVE: G7 Leaders to Agree Anti-Coal, Anti-Car, and Carbon-Cutting Targets - Geller Report News
The war on industry and capitalism is war on freedom, individualism and personal liberty (and more immediately - the American worker). We must repudiate its mindless nihilism and to uphold, instead, a philosophy of reason, individualism, ...

Family of Murdered Iranian Wrestler Navid Afkari Beaten and Arrested - Geller Report News
Ghastly. And the Democrat party supports the savage regime. They, too, would like to punish their politcal opponents this way as well.

Clueless or Complicit? AP Learns From Israeli Ambassador About Hamas’ Activities In Its Building - Geller Report News
Really now. AP wasn’t aware? They’re supposed to be reporters. And they didn’t even know that jihad terrorist activity was going on in their own building?

Human Rights Abuser and World's #1 State Sponsor of Terror Iran REGAINS UN vote after US enables UN payment - Geller Report News
Democrat party jihad - resurrecting, arming and aiding  Islamic terror movements. And the UN is all but destroyed - a largely dysfunctional, failed institution. The UN has failed the tortured, the oppressed, the poor, in incalculable ways.

WATCH: Visibly Confused, Tired-Looking Joe Biden Mixes Up Libya, Syria Three Times In Speech On Russia - Geller Report News
Biden is so decrepit, he won't even hold the traditional joint preser with Putin.

Democrat Keynote Speaker Tells High School Grads They’re Entering A World Of “Capitalism” and “White Supremacy,” Encourages Them To Remember “Jihad” And Reject Objectivity - Geller Report News
It took the left only a few decades to go from the Greatest generation to the very worst (moronnialls). That didn't just happen, it was made to happen. As far as Abrar Omeish telling our children to 'reject objectivity" -- this is, of all the ...

NYPD Investigates Multiple Antisemitic Incidents in Brooklyn, New York - Geller Report News
It's open season on Jews in New York City. All because of the antisemitic Left.

Communist China Military Speech: "Only by using non-destructive weapons (bio-weapons) that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves" - Geller Report News
COVID was an act of war. The speech argues for the necessity of China using biological warfare to depopulate the United States and prepare it for a future massive Chinese colonization. “The War Is Not Far from Us and Is the Midwife of the Chinese ...

Israelis Invent Oral COVID Vaccine - Geller Report News
Another gift from the Jews. Perhaps "Palestinians" could take a page - their main export (only export) is genocide and Jew hatred. Time to be life affirming and productive, not evil.

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