Dear John

Conflict in Ethiopia

"The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds" 2 Corinthians 10:4


As the conflict in Tigray in Ethiopia’s north continues, the UN is warning that famine is imminent in the region – with over 90% of people needing food aid. Many are concerned about the increasing political and ethnic polarisation throughout the country. Some social media platforms in Ethiopia have been restricted and Parliamentary elections have again been postponed.

Our team faces tremendous challenges but are non the less continuing with the mission in front of them - bringing people to Jesus.

AEE’s Student Discipleship Program is a youth focused Bible teaching program that aims to be ‘Building the Church of Tomorrow, Today’. Despite COVID19 restrictions, over 10,000 students were trained in 2020, and the aim is to double that this year, God-willing.

AEE is valued as a meaningful partner with the local church as they work together to bring up the next generation to read the Bible and live with the fear of the Lord. All the material is in the local Amharic language and developed by locals in context and trusting in the power of God’s word to make a difference for eternity.

Pray for:

  • The Student Discipleship Program to be used by God to strengthen and equip the whole Ethiopian church as well as being a stimulus to evangelism.
  • Give thanks for the close and ongoing partnership with the Kale Hiywot Church in Metekel (a region that borders Sudan). This evangelical church and others have been encouraged by three years of AEE mission outreach and church growth work in an area where most still have not heard the Gospel.
  • The continued follow-up of those who made commitments to follow Christ in the Akaki-Kaliti mission last December.
  • For AEE Team Leader Mel Mesfin to be thoroughly equipped for every good work in Christ.
  • That the fifteen vulnerable women chosen to be trained in sewing to be thoroughly transformed inside and out.
  • For preparations for mission in the Kotebe neighbourhood in Addis Ababa later this year.


Emmanuel Yeboah
Winina Adam

Discipleship Program Graduates 2020


Ladies enrolled in the sewing project 2021


Yours in Christ,


Ben Campbell

CEO African Enterprise


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PO Box 1584, Macquarie Centre, NSW 2113