Folks: In a moment, I'm going to ask you to pitch in to my re-election campaign so we can keep Georgia blue and protect our Democratic Senate majority. But first, let me explain why your support is so critical — and what could happen to the future of our country without it.

My journey to becoming Georgia's first-ever Black senator was an unlikely one. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth — I had 11 brothers and sisters and grew up in public housing.

But through hard work and the support of my community, I went on to become the senior pastor at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s church. Now, this kid from the housing projects is fighting in the Senate to build a government that works for everyone — not just those at the top.

Since day one, I've made my priorities clear: Pass the For the People Act to defend voting rights and strengthen our democracy, build an economy that works for everyone, and expand affordable health care so filling a prescription doesn't break the bank.

But here's the honest truth: I simply can't win these critical fights without grassroots folks like you by my side — so I have to ask:

Will you split a $10 donation right now between our campaign and John Hickenlooper so we can power our re-election campaign to victory, and protect our Democratic Senate majority?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your split donation between John Hickenlooper and Reverend Warnock will go through immediately:

Thanks for fighting alongside me at moments like these — I appreciate you.

— Raphael