It's approximately halfway through the month, which can only mean one thing: A characteristically late reminder about our June social. Our happy hours are always fun affairs, but life is filled with fun. Why are HYR socials special?

  • Question and/or grill a candidate! George Prescott Bush was gracious enough to sponsor this social, which means that you get to do that most important thing in civic life: speak your mind to and ask questions of candidates in person. It's not a meeting and he's not just a speaker, at socials the politicos talk directly with you not just to you. Currently, he is running for Texas Attorney General, one of the most important offices in the state.

  • Engaging Camaraderie. God knows we can't talk politics at work because HR is horrible. Most of our normal friends just aren't that interested. That's why we get together and talk shop over a beer or two.

  • Free Stuff. We know fellow young people are moochers, grifters, and cheapskates. That's why we want to incentivize attendance and provide value to our members by subsidizing your bad habits. Free appetizers while they last! Drink tickets for members! Drink tickets for whoever else really deserves one, at the arbitrary and capricious whim of the club president.

  • Cool Venue. Little Woodrow's at 720 Shepherd Dr. is great! There's a great beer selection, good pub food, and even a tiny bowling alley for some reason. It's not some stuffy location that boomer GOP groups hang out at.

  • That Sweet Sweet Serotonin: Top research psychologists and most clinical psychologists agree: Socializing once a week and engaging in fulfilling activities help lead to mental wellbeing. For political minded people, why not do both at once?

  • Flex on Social Media: Let your facebook friends know that you don't care what those liberal weirdos think by sharing the event page!

  • OPEN DOOR! We were all newcomers at some point in time, we're friendly, it's free, and we don't mind when people drag their friends along. You don't even have to be young or a Republican to attend. There isn't a dress code or anything like that. Don't be a wallflower, just waltz up and ask about the tax code or something. The club president tries to talk to *everyone* and will introduce you to people personally.

Y'all feel free to bug me day or night,

Chase Bradstreet
President, Houston Young Republicans