
Week of June 14, 2021



Branch Meetings: Saturday, June 26 @ 3:00pm - 5:00pm

Join us as we host synchronous branch meetings all across LA county in order to learn from each other and discuss current campaigns, strategies, and opportunities to get involved. Here’s what to expect:


  1. Register using the link to your branch. [Links coming soon!] (Not sure which branch you’re a part of? Check the list here!)
  2. After registration, you will be sent a Zoom link. Please join a few minutes early so we can start on time!
  3. The first portion of the meeting will be an interactive live stream shared across all 5 branches
  4. Then, all branches will work through an agenda prepared by their coordinators to highlight branch projects and create room for discussion about branch strategies and how to get involved.


Únase a nosotros mientras organizamos reuniones de sucursales sincrónicas en todo el condado de Los Ángeles para aprender unos de otros y discutir cuáles son nuestras campañas y estrategias para el año. Esto es lo que puede esperar:

  1. Regístrese a continuación utilizando el enlace a su sucursal. [¡Enlaces próximamente!] (¿No estás seguro de a qué rama perteneces? ¡Consulta la lista aquí!)
  2. Después de registrarse, se le enviará un enlace de Zoom. ¡Únase unos minutos antes para que podamos comenzar a tiempo!
  3. La primera parte de la reunión será una transmisión en vivo interactiva compartida en las 5 sucursales.
  4. Luego, todas las sucursales trabajarán a través de una agenda preparada por sus coordinadores para resaltar los proyectos de las sucursales y crear un espacio para la discusión sobre las estrategias de las sucursales y cómo participar.

DSA-LA nominates 2 members to run for DSA National Leadership

Congratulations to Maikiko James and Sydney Ghazarian who have just been nominated by our membership to be able to run for a seat on DSA's National Political Committee (NPC). More detailed election results will be published soon on


The following list is only a highlight of what's happening this week with DSA-LA. Please check out our online calendar for full list of committee meetings & chapter events! Be sure to also follow our Instagram & Twitter for real-time announcements and calls-to-action!

Union power: Why should socialists care about the labor movement?


(TODAY) Monday, June 14 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

At the center of DSA’s strategy and theory of change is the task of building a democratic, militant, and powerful labor movement. Socialists know that the working class is strategically placed to disrupt capitalism, but without a strong labor movement that brings workers into struggle with the boss, the working class ‘sleeping giant’ needed to win democratic socialism will remain asleep.

So how can socialists in DSA build the confidence and militancy of workers after years of demoralization and union decline? How can DSA-LA members organize to strengthen and revitalize our unions? What lessons can be learned from socialist labor organizing, past and present?

Join DSA-LA and YDSA for a moderated discussion with DSA labor organizers about how socialists can help rebuild the labor movement from the bottom up and fight with workers for a better world.

Mutual Aid Committee Meeting

(TODAY) Monday, June 14 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Join the Mutual Aid Committee for our twice-monthly committee meeting, where we’ll be discussing ongoing and upcoming committee work, as well as helping folks get plugged into other work throughout the city. New members always welcome!

Please RSVP for meeting connection information.

Mutual Aid Committee meetings are held on the second and fourth Monday of each month.

Political Education Facilitator Training

Tuesday, June 15 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

The Facilitator Training, hosted by the Political Education Committee, will teach you techniques for leading groups discussions, both online and in person.

The key questions that will be answered by this training are:

Why is political education important?

What is the role of the facilitator?

What are concrete tools to facilitate?

How can I address common roadblocks to a conversation that flows?

The skills and tools covered in this training are applicable in any meeting where participants will be discussing new ideas, so we welcome anyone interested in learning more about facilitation.

Participants are encouraged to read through this short article on the importance of Political Education before the training.

Mutual Aid Book Club: Anarchism and Culture in Colonial Korea

Tuesday, June 15 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

In transition between books we will be reading Sunyoung Park’s 2018 essay from Cross Currents, ‘Anarchism and Culture in Colonial Korea: Minjung Revolution, Mutual Aid, and the Appeal of Nature’. It covers the little known history of the Anarchist current in the national resistance struggle from 1910-1945 when Korea was occupied by Imperial Japan.

If you’d like to read along with us, you can get a copy of the essay free digitally here.

Please RSVP to this event to get connection information.

The Mutual Aid Book Club meets on the first and third Tuesday of every month.

The Immigration Justice Committee’s June Meeting!


Tuesday, June 15 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Fight the June Gloom* by joining the Immigration Justice Committee for our monthly meeting! This month, we’re gonna discuss upcoming projects for the committee, as well as assess the current political landscape as it affects immigrants’ rights. Which should be a short discussion, as things are just peachy under Biden, right? Wait, they’re not?!?

*dawning fascism in America

Echo Park & Silver Lake Neighborhood Meeting

Wednesday, June 16 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

New and long-time comrades who live in Echo Park, Elysian Park, and Silver Lake are invited to our third Neighborhood Meeting as part of the DSA-LA Neighborhood Solidarity Program — our chapter’s campaign to strengthen and grow socialist organization by uniting with our neighbors through tenant organizing, mutual aid work, and political study.

At our last meeting, we decided to start preparing a tenants’ know your rights flyer to distribute around the neighborhood to start engaging with tenants and build a base for anti-gentrification socialist politics in Echo Park & Silver Lake. We will spend a chunk of time at the meeting starting to brainstorm the content of this flyer and how we will distribute it and assign roles for getting it done!

At this month’s meeting we will also begin a syllabus on socialist strategy, with the first discussion focusing on electoral politics. Totaling ~20 pages, the following set of recommended excerpts and articles provide a good foundation for the discussion.

  • 5-page excerpt from The Crises of Labor and the Left in the United States, by Mark Dudzic & Adolf Reed (Socialist Register, 2015); After providing a brief overview of the neoliberal elimination of working class opposition, this excerpt details the 1990s effort to establish a labour-based political movement independent of the Democratic Party.
  • 6-page excerpt from The Democratic Party Cul-de-sac (Chapter Nine from On New Terrain: How Capital is Reshaping the Battleground of Class War), by Kim Moody (Haymarket Books, 2017); A brief overview of the institutional barriers to change within the Democratic Party and the author’s argument that “it is precisely its ability to attract and absorb the leaders and activists of social movements and organized labor that makes it, as some of us still insist, “the graveyard of social movements.””
  • It’s Party Time: DSA and Post-Realignment Electoral Strategy (~10 pages, in full) by David Duhalde (DSA Socialist Forum, 2019); Published on a DSA forum, this author argues that DSA electoral activists should begin to build an organized democratic socialist faction within party structures across the country.”

If you have questions about whether or not this is your Neighborhood – email us at and we’ll get back to you right away.

West LA & Westwood Neighborhood Meeting

Wednesday, June 16 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Neighborhood Meetings are part of DSA-LA’s Neighborhood Solidarity Program—our chapter’s campaign to strengthen and grow socialist organization by uniting with our neighbors through tenant organizing, mutual aid work, and political study. This and all other West LA & Westwood Neighborhood Meetings are open to new and long-time comrades who live in Westwood and the greater West LA area, including: Sawtelle, Century City, Bel-Air, and Brentwood

Our fourth Neighborhood Meeting will build on discussions and projects outlined in last meeting — including ways to engage with local struggles for housing justice.

Continuing our study of Class Struggle and Socialist Strategy across different terrains, our study topic for this meeting will be Socialist Struggle for Decommodified Goods, with a focus on housing. Short recommended readings to ground the discussion are included below.

March for Andres Guardado – 1 year anniversary


Saturday, June 19 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

On the 1 year anniversary of Andres Guardado’s death, join us and his family for a march to honor him and continue the call for justice.

We will gather at the location where Andres was working on the day of his murder and will march to the Compton Sheriff’s Station.

Hollywood Labor June Meeting


Saturday, June 19 @ 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Hollywood Labor is a group within DSA-LA and DSA-LA’s Labor Committee that focuses on issues pertaining to the entertainment industry in Los Angeles. We fight for a Hollywood that works for all workers to fight for a more fair and equitable industry.

If you’d like to get involved, please sign up on our intake survey here!

Come join us for a discussion of how to continue our work – and if you’re a new member, learn more about us!

Any questions? Feel free to email us at

DSA-LA Child Watch Subcommittee Planning Meeting

Sunday, June 20 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Join the Prisoner Outreach Solidarity Team (POST) this week to write birthday letters to political prisoners in the US. We will writing to Black Liberation Army member Dr. Mutulu Shakur. We meet every 1st and 3rd Sunday. All are welcome!

Please RSVP to this event for connection information.

Mutual Aid’s Prisoner Outreach Solidarity Team

Sunday, June 20 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Happy Father’s Day!

Off the heels of our success in working with the LA Community Fridges network to distribute Health, Hygiene, and Happiness kits to families around Los Angeles, and as in-person gatherings are becoming more regular, the Child Watch subcommittee of DSA-LA’s Mutual Aid Committee is looking to hold a planning meeting to help us figure out our next steps. This includes not only discussing the Child Watch program as it has existed in the past, but ways to empower other subgroups to provide their own Child Watch when necessary, and even how to generally promote more family-friendly and accessible meetings and organizing events.

At this meeting, we will be debriefing our LA Community Fridges project, as well as discussing the concrete ways we can work towards making our chapter as parent-accessible as possible. This will take the form of both structured brainstorming, as well as refining a proposed survey to ask members (and future members!) who are parents more directly how we can best help them.

This meeting is open to anybody with an interest in helping to make our chapter more accessible to families, whether you have one or not! Come and give the fathers in your life the gift of working class solidarity.

Fearless Cities Workshop 3 of 4

Sunday, June 20 @ 7:00 pm

Come learn about socialist municipal politics across the world in our Fearless Cities Workshop. We’ll meet every at 7pm. every Sunday in June to read Fearless Cities. We’ll discuss how we can bring anti-capitalist, mass-democratic politics to our neighborhoods.


In night 3, we’ll discuss pages 70-100. Here’s our study guide.