The M7 Partnership is hiring a
Part-time Fundraising Consultant

The leading conservation organisations working on human-induced mortality of birds in the Mediterranean are looking to recruit a part-time Fundraising Consultant to develop and implement a joint fundraising strategy.


About the partnership

With funding from the MAVA Foundation, a strong partnership of several leading conservation organisations working on human-induced mortality of birds in the Mediterranean have been coordinating and implementing a number of projects to tackle the most important threats affecting migratory birds and vultures across the region. This international consortium of actors brings with it decades of technical expertise and knowledge to tackle these issues collectively. This consortium, composed of BirdLife International, EuroNatur, IUCN Mediterranean Centre, Vulture Conservation Foundation, Tour du Valat, the University of Barcelona, WWF Spain, WWF Greece and the Society for the Protection of Biodiversity of Thrace coordinates actions at a regional level, while local civil society organisations implement tailored actions on the ground. 


About the job description

This consortium is now aiming to recruit a part-time Fundraising Consultant to develop a joint fundraising strategy for this partnership, identifying funding opportunities and drafting joint funding proposals, both for open calls and to specific donors, so that the current programme of work can continue, after the funding from MAVA Foundation ceases in 2022. The Fundraising Consultant will also lead the organisation of a donor showcase event in 2022.


Please review the Job Description below to learn more details, payment and conditions. Applications should include a CV together with a cover letter, and should be sent to [email protected] until the 20th June. 


Job Description
We would greatly appreciate it if you could share the job ad on social media or forward it to someone you know who is suitable for this position!
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