Dear John,

Fact: Conspiracies exist

But it’s also true that there are a bunch of crazy, speculative conspiracy theories out there. 

The issue is, how can you tell which ones are real, even concerning, from those that are speculative, extreme, and false? 

There’s a technique that can help you distinguish between true and false.

Does your integrity matter to you?

Do you care about your reputation as an honest and intelligent person? Or do you just repeat anything? 

Our partners at TEN, The Exit Network, point out that false accusations are not the stock and trade of ethical and respectful human beings. If a conspiracy theory is real, then it deserves your attention. But many conspiracy theories simply aren’t true, so trafficking in them can be unfair, sometimes even an act of aggression. Indeed, there are important evidentiary standards for making claims and maintaining your ethical character.  

Since you’re busy, you'll be pleased to learn that the technique shared in this article does double-duty. It helps you discern whether a conspiracy is real or fake, plus it helps you protect your reputation and live up to your values. 

Check out…

How to find the best conspiracy theories
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The Exit Network article, above, presents the Philosophy of Human Respect. That philosophy is also the subject of our Human Respect Test! Right now... 

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Best Regards,

Mike Sertic
Advocates for Self-Government
[email protected]

p.s. Let us know what you think.


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