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Dear John,
Two new ADL reports shine a spotlight on the soaring levels of antisemitic incidents, including
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violent attacks in our streets, and their damaging impact on the American Jewish community.
Alarm in the Jewish community is soaring along with a 115% rise in antisemitic incidents since the beginning of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, compared to the same dates last year.
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Our new survey reveals that 60% of American Jews have personally witnessed antisemitic behavior or comments in recent weeks and over 40% feel more concerned about personal safety now than they did in early May when the conflict between Israel and Hamas flared up.
Incidents include highly publicized assaults such as the attack on Jewish diners at a kosher restaurant in LA by people carrying Palestinian flags, and a violent assault in Manhattan on a Jewish man wearing a Star of David necklace. In all, there were 11 assaults during the reporting period, while there were zero assaults during this same period in 2020.
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Report on May Antisemitic Incidents
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Survey on Concern about Antisemitism
Here are four ways you can speak up, share facts and show strength as together we fight antisemitism:
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Demand that fighting antisemitism be a priority in Washington.
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Report incidents of antisemitism to ADL.
- Report online hate using our
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Cyber Safety Action Guide.
- Attend
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Never Is Now, the world’s largest Summit on Antisemitism and Hate (Nov. 7-9, 2021).
With antisemitic incidents at alarming levels, now is the time to reject the disgusting hatred and vitriol. Tens of thousands of people from across the country joined together to speak out during last month's Day of Action Against Antisemitism and we must continue to show strength as we combat antisemitism and all forms of hate. Together.
Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director
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