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April Wisconsin Job Watch

Wisconsin gained 9300 jobs in April. Even so, our labor market has 4.7% fewer jobs today than it did just over a year ago. 

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Accessibility: From Ivory Tower to Practice

ITE Journal, May 2021

Metro transportation is about providing safe and convenient access to jobs, goods, services, and other opportunities. In an ideal world we would use quantifiable measures to develop the best strategies and return on investments. The good news is that such measures exist. The bad news? Most practitioners are not exposed to those measures or the methods behind them, until now. Check out SSTI's feature in ITE Journal here, then download the full report below.
Full Report

Expanding Voter Registration

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Water Affordability Community of Practice

Featuring the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District, Thursday, June 17, 1pm CST

Join us to learn how the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District is balancing their bold plans while also keeping rates affordable for low-income residents.


ProGov Podcast: New Ways to Listen!

Our latest episode is on local-level environmental policy, featuring the Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy and Policy Matters Ohio. Later this month, we will discuss voting rights with The Center for Popular Democracy

Check us out on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and on the ProGov21 website.
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Based at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, COWS is a national think-and-do tank that promotes “high road” solutions to social problems. Learn more. Click below to learn more about our projects housed at COWS:
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