Tell your senators that we need to pass the PRO Act and create a broad path to citizenship. We need to empower every worker helping to build, serve and feed our exceptions.
Build back better with unions. Pass the PRO Act.

Hi John,


Every person who lives and works in this country deserves a job where they have a voice and earn living wages. Tell your senators to pass the PRO Act and create a broad path to citizenship.

The best way to strengthen our democracy and our economy is by empowering workers—and this should not have any exclusions.


Immigrants and refugees have always helped build, serve and feed our nation. Today is no different. Our Workers First Agenda is about expanding rights and opportunities for all working families, with no exclusions.


We need a just recovery for all, including our union family members who have temporary protected status or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. We need labor law reform, a bold jobs plan and a pathway to citizenship.


Building back better and passing the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act are the labor movement’s top priorities. Working families can’t wait any longer. We all need to be able to access good jobs, rather than continuing to be misclassified and forced into the informal economy.


Now is the time to get immigration and labor law reform done. So tell your senators to pass the PRO Act and create a broad path to citizenship.


In Solidarity,


Richard Trumka 

President, AFL-CIO


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