Good morning,
Here's the Accuracy in Academia weekly update for June 14, 2021...
🗒️ North Carolina fights back against Critical Race Theory
In the summer of 2020, Google searches for police brutality and systematic racism skyrocketed. Captivated by the media attention devoted to the murder of George Floyd and other African Americans by police officers, the public...
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🗒️ Princeton University drops Greek, Latin requirements for Classic majors
In a stunning move, Princeton University dropped a language requirement for students enrolling in its Classics major. No longer will Classics majors be required to learn Greek or Latin, which is confusing because none of...
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🗒️ Colleges conflicted about requiring vaccines
With students preparing to return to college campuses and in-person classes this fall, there is widespread confusion over the idea of requiring vaccines for students. Both public and private universities have seen a precipitous drop...
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🗒️ Caught red-handed: critical race theory supporters compiled list of opponents
In an increasingly disturbing trend, the Left and its critical race theory adherents have adopted a no-holds-barred approach to publicly shame and silence their opponents. In the northern Virginia suburbs of Loudoun County, left-wing activists...
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Have a great week!
-- The Accuracy in Academia Team
Accuracy in Academia PO Box 5647 Derwood, MD 20855-0647 United States |