Creepy mission creep
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** First it was the creepy mission creep of the Post Office. Now it's…
It probably wouldn't surprise you to learn that the FBI, CIA, and NSA are spying on the American people (as if we are somehow the enemy). However...
The whole country was likely very surprised to learn that the Post Office is also spying on us. We wrote about this ([link removed]) creepy mission creep in a recent message.
Alas, we now have news that the insanity doesn't end there.
** Domestic spying spreads to other agencies
The Washington Post reports ([link removed]) that the Commerce Department is also engaged in domestic spying on the American people.
These two examples - the Post Office and the Commerce Department - provide strong evidence that all bureaucracies engage in mission creep - and it's creepy.
There's no way one human being in a big white house can watch everything that's happening inside thousands of federal agencies with millions of employees. It's absolutely inevitable that those employees will find all sorts of ways to stretch their powers.
The problem is made even worse by the propensity of Congress to grant bureaucracies the power to legislate. Yes, unelected bureaucrats write laws that regulate you. This is called…
** The Delegation Problem
Congress loves to leave details to federal agencies. This effectively delegates the power to legislate to unelected Executive Branch bureaucrats. And that routinely leads to bureaucratic rule-making (regulation writing) that usurps power and expands missions beyond their intended bounds.
Outrages like domestic spying by the Post Office and the Commerce Department are the inevitable result. One remedy for this problem is to remove the rule-making power from federal agencies. You can make that happen. Here's how…
** Be an Agenda Setter & stop creepy mission creep
Neither the regime media nor the permanent political class will address the delegation problem. So we have set our own agenda to solve this problem. We even created legislation for this purpose!
The Write the Laws Act would require Congress to read and then either pass or reject every rule written by federal agencies. This bill has been introduced in the Senate (S. 84).
Our plan to pass it is simple. It starts with finding just 300 people in nearly all congressional districts who commit to visiting their congressional offices. The 300 go in waves of 3, 5, or 6 at a time. Please join the team to get it passed, if you have not already done so.
Pass Write the Laws ([link removed])
** Finding "The 300"
To kick off the month, we unveiled our largest outreach effort ([link removed]) , ever. We acquired an audience of 200,000 people and two libertarian celebrities they know to sign messages to them. But there's a lot of work remaining to reach them all. It's not as simple as flipping a switch.
We're eager and ready to do this work. We dug deep - even did some deficit spending of our own - and made this investment in the future. Now, we really need your help. Please contribute or start a monthly pledge ([link removed]) .
Set your own agenda,
Jim Babka, President
Agenda Setters by Downsize DC
Join the team to pass the Write the Laws Act ([link removed])
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