Great showings at local and national debates

All the nonsense was laid to rest on Monday night. People from across the country got to see that the PPC's views are not extreme and they can be discussed without all the attacks (despite Jagmeet Singh's best intentions). Max has said he wanted to appeal to People’s intelligence. There was a sizeable spike in interest for Maxime and the People’s Party during the debates which no doubt continued into this week, and should spike again with the national leaders' debates tonight in French.

Local all-candidates debates

Meanwhile, Locke Duncan participated in an all-candidates debate at Matsqui Centennial Auditorium on Tuesday night, and fared extremely well. He represented the PPC values and principles and was calm and authentic, even when presented with tough questions. He gained the respect of the crowd when he loaned local CPC incumbent Ed Fast a rebuttal card when debating the Liberal candidate on the importance of balancing the budget. Locke used his own rebuttal cards well to highlight important issues and factually counter the alarming amount of socialistic rhetoric that was being bandied about by the other parties' candidates.

If you'd like to show your support for another nearby PPC candidate, there will be an all-candidates debate tonight, October 10 for the Mission-Matsqui Fraser Canyon riding where candidate Nick Csaszar will represent the PPC. It'll take place again at the Matsqui Centennial Auditorium in Abbotsford (32315 South Fraser Way) from 7pm to 9pm, and doors will open at 6:30pm.

Getting your help

Max gave us the opportunity to appeal to Canadians on a broad scale on Monday night. He was able to prove our ideas hold weight and there are people that agree with our message. The home stretch is here and now more than ever we need to have conversations, drop off literature, knock on doors and let people know that the back-and-forth attacking of each other’s failures, without offering Canadians a real solution is done! It is time Canada sees that the only party doing politics differently is the PPC.

If you would like to help us get a few more signs out there, please consider donating securely by credit card at or by sending an e-transfer to with your name and address. Remember that your donations up to $400 are fully eligible for a 75% tax refund!

The last ten days will be a major, full out push! We would also love to have anyone willing and able to join us for whatever time they have available to contribute as we go around leaving door hangers or knocking on doors.

If you believe in Individual Freedom, Personal Responsibility, Respect, and Fairness, please help us share the message with a donation and/or your valuable time, and of course telling everyone you see!

Thank you,

PPC Abbotsford
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