Trump has declared war on the impeachment process.
This makes it even more urgent that you join Cornel West and others in stepping into the streets, starting October 19 in NYC and LA and continuing nationwide on October 26 and the next three Saturdays, and growing from there to declare:
The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go – NOW!

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The New York Times writes, “Breathtaking in scope, defiant in tone, the White House’s refusal to cooperate with the House impeachment inquiry amounts to an unabashed challenge to America’s longstanding constitutional order.”
This is true – and it is precisely the point.
Trump not only refuses to be bound by the normal channels of politics – he is setting out to destroy these normal channels. Eviscerating the separation of powers and of church and state, re-writing laws, packing the courts with fascists, stripping away civil liberties and other rights...all this is part of the fascist remaking of society.
This is why we – the tens of millions in this country who must refuse to accept a fascist America – cannot rely on those normal channels. We cannot rely on impeachment alone. We cannot rely on the Democrats, who refuse to step outside of the normal channels and have been actively conciliating to Trump for 3 years. We cannot on – or wait for – the 2020 elections.
We must rely on ourselves and the growing numbers of people who WE mobilized TOGETHER to take to the streets, launching a different kind of protest. A sustained movement of ongoing protests that grow, week after week, becoming day after day, and ultimately growing to include millions.
This can create the kind of political crisis that compels the removal of the Trump/Pence Regime.
This is the process we are launching on October 19 in NYC and LA, and spreading nationwide on October 26.
Are you in? Click here to find – and commit to attend – the protest in your area:
We begin Saturday October 19 in:
Los Angeles: 12:00 pm Santa Monica Pier Facebook event
New York City: 5:00 pm Union Square Facebook event
And spread nationwide on Saturday October 26:
Ann Arbor: 12:00 pm Kerrytown Farmers Market 315 Detroit
Atlanta: 2:00 pm Piedmont Park 10th Street near Monroe Dr. Next to Park Tavern Facebook event
Boston: 12:00 pm Copley Square Facebook event
Cleveland: 1:00 pm Market Square West 25th St & Lorain Avenue Facebook event
Chicago: 1:00 pm Millennium Park Facebook event
Houston: 3:00 pm Galleria Facebook event
Philadelphia: 2:00 pm Love Park Facebook event
San Francisco: 1:00 pm 24th & Mission Facebook event
Seattle: 6:00 pm University District, University Way NE & NE Campus Parkway Facebook event
>> Register now for Wednesday October 16 webinar & fundraiser for organizers and those who want to learn more.
You can login or listen on a phone line.
>> Watch and spread this video of Cornel West calling on others to join him in taking to the streets to declare #OutNow on October 19.
Can you give $10 to help promote this video to reach others on social media?
Finally, we want to give a shout-out to everyone standing up against Trump's fascist rally today in Minneapolis – including supporters of and the Revolution Club from Chicago. Stay tuned to @RefuseFascism on Twitter and Facebook today and to tomorrow for reports.
> > Donate $25 right now to help cover costs.
If you are in the Minneapolis, reach the team at 312 488 9465 and look for the #TrumpPenceOutNOW banner.
from the national team
917 407 1286