This is our last week in our current office.
This is our last week in our current office.

We drive policy change to improve the lives of Texas children today 
for a stronger Texas tomorrow.
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Dear John, 
Thanks to you, all of our supporters, and the hard work of our current and former staff, Texans Care for Children’s work to drive policy change has grown over the last several years — and now we’ve outgrown our office.

We’re happy to announce that after years of careful planning, patience, office tours, permitting, and contract negotiations, we’ll finally say goodbye to 1106 Clayton Lane this Friday and relocate to:

1016 La Posada Drive
Suite 240
Austin, TX 78752

As you can see in the map below, we’re moving about a half mile north of our current office. Our phone number and contact information will remain the same. 

If you would like to donate to help us get settled into our new home, you can do so via this link. Your support helped get us to this point and we are so thankful for you. Once we set up shop, we hope to show you around the new place!
Stephanie Rubin
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