Dear Patriot, Despite all the well-documented baggage he has, anti-gun zealot and leader of the Waco raid David Chipman, and now President Biden’s pick to lead the ATF, will be voted on by the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, June 17. Could they have made a worse pick for the person to head up the ATF? Sign the petition to your U.S. Senators demanding they vote AGAINST David Chipman’s confirmation. After you sign, I strongly urge you to forward the petition link to a friend. David Chipman said during his hearing in the Senate last month that any law-abiding gun owner is a potential criminal. Did he forget the definition of “law-abiding?” My message below clearly shows Chipman’s record as anti-Second Amendment and his involvement in Waco, where adults and children were tragically killed due to the actions of the federal government. Chipman does not belong anywhere near a position of power over our right to defend ourselves. Sign your petition now. -Ron ___________Forwarded Message__________
President Joe Biden seems hellbent on repeating past mistakes in policy and personnel. When Biden made his direct assault on the Second Amendment by unleashing a flurry of executive orders on firearms two weeks ago, hidden at the very bottom of his list was the nomination of David Chipman to head up the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, or ATF. It’s not a familiar name to many, but Chipman’s role in one of the worst tragedies involving the U.S. government killing citizens on our soil cannot be denied. He certainly doesn’t deny it. While he was an agent for the ATF, Chipman was stationed in Waco, TX from 1993 to 1998 and was pictured in front of the aftermath of the assault on the Branch Davidian compound. After a 51-day standoff with the members of the compound in February of 1993, the compound was raided by a combination of federal agents from the FBI, ATF, and local law enforcement. The Branch Davidians were suspected of possessing “illegal weapons.” Chipman later claimed that the Branch Davidians had shot down helicopters with those weapons, a claim which was completely refuted by a U.S. House of Representatives’ report. The end result after the standoff, teargassing, and gun fights instigated by the ATF was 4 dead federal agents and 78 members of the Branch Davidians, including 25 children who were killed in the fires that engulfed the compound. To this day, the ATF commemorates Waco and the agents who died without acknowledging the horrible tragedy of all the innocent children who were killed in the raid that followed. And now Joe Biden thinks the best way to recreate that kind of “success” would be to put that same agent who was stationed in Waco, in charge of the entire ATF. That’s David Chipman and that’s who he just nominated as he was passing down his flurry of executive orders which included the designation of more weapons as “illegal.” Patriot, I’m worried history is about to repeat itself in the worst possible way, with David Chipman and the ATF. Sign the petition to your U.S. Senators demanding they vote NO on the confirmation of Biden’s extremist pick for the head of the ATF, David Chipman. We are fighting the Biden gun grabbing agenda with everything we’ve got. Your generous donation of $50, $75, or even $150 TODAY will help us continue to hold the line and stop these dangerous attacks on the Second Amendment. The photo of Chipman posing by the rubble of the Branch Davidian compound is making the rounds on social media as people are starting to discover just exactly who he is. During the following Branch Davidian Trial, Chipman falsely claimed that the Davidians had shot down two helicopters with .50 cal machine guns in a brazen attempt to justify the tragic raid. ![]() But Chipman’s resume has a lot more than the Waco tragedy, where 25 children were killed, on it. He’s also worked for some of the most flagrant anti-gun and anti- Second Amendment groups this country has ever seen, including as a lobbyist for Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety and later for the Giffords’ gun control group. After his lobbyist days for those two groups, he took a position as senior policy advisor at Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. Patriot, Chipman can no longer even claim law enforcement as his trade -- he has become a rabid anti-gun political activist! Without your immediate action, I suspect Chipman has a good chance of being confirmed, despite his radical record on gun control. But it hasn’t gone unnoticed that this was a very divisive pick. Even Politico can see the difficult path ahead for Biden and Chipman and detailed his extreme and unpopular positions on guns: Chipman supports banning assault weapons,
limiting high-capacity magazines, expanding background checks and ending the fairly broad liability shield that firearms manufacturers enjoy. And he
has called for ATF to increase inspections of federally licensed gun dealers and use other tools to help curb what he calls a national
epidemic. The Biden gun-grabbing agenda is already bad enough, but when you throw fuel on the fire with David Chipman to head the ATF, you have the recipe for another Waco type of tragedy, which will undoubtedly be seized on for more dangerous gun grabs on law-abiding citizens. It’s time to sound the alarm on Chipman before the confirmation process starts. Sign the petition to STOP Chipman’s confirmation. Once you’ve done that, please consider a generous donation of $50, $75, or even $150 TODAY to help us continue to hold the line and stop these dangerous attacks on the Second Amendment. President Biden has proven his commitment to being the most anti-gun president we’ve had in at least a generation. The demonizing of peaceful, law abiding gun owners, in combination with David Chipman’s nomination for head of the ATF, signal that Biden is not ready to back down, despite his legislative agenda stalling so far in Congress. I cannot stress enough that 2021 is a very dangerous time for liberty. You and I must be vigilant and act now. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman P.S. Staying true to their mantra of “never let a good crisis go to waste,” the Big Government elites are showing themselves to be determined to run roughshod over the Second Amendment while they enact their socialist agenda. Sign the petition! ![]() If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. ________________________________________________ The mission of
Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free
markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.