Under our current broken tax system, Jeff Bezos will likely be on the moon before he pays another dime in federal taxes.

Friends -

I’m about to ask you to read a long email about our nation’s unjust and broken tax system, and to sign a petition demanding economic justice. I’ll explain more in just a moment, but if you’re ready to add your name now, please, sign my petition calling on Democratic leadership to fix our nation’s broken tax system and demand the wealthy pay their fair share.


Now, here’s why this is so important today.

This past week, a report from ProPublica detailed the extent to which many of our nation’s wealthiest individuals — including the likes of Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Tesla’s Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet — manage to (perfectly legally!) get away with paying far, far less than their fair share in federal taxes.

According to the report, the 25 wealthiest Americans saw their wealth soar over $400 billion between 2014 and 2018, all while paying a true tax rate of just 3.4% — significantly lower than that of the average working American.

These outrageous increases in wealth have no doubt continued to climb in the years since, especially in the midst of the devastating global pandemic that has seen the rich get astronomically richer and the poor continue to get poorer.

Oftentimes, the wealthiest in our society managed to get away with paying zero dollars and zero cents in federal taxes. When they do pay, they utilize loopholes, deductions, and exert their incredible influence and power to pay as little as they possibly can.

Billions of dollars have stayed in their pockets that otherwise could have gone toward public schools, rebuilding our nation’s crumbling infrastructure, or combating the climate crisis.

These facts are certainly nothing new, and it is likely true that these billionaires paid what they legally owed. But that is exactly the problem. Our nation’s broken tax code not only enables this to happen, it encourages and incentivizes it.

The simple truth is this: the wealthiest people in our country play by a very different set of rules than the rest of the American people. It’s long past time for that to change.

If you agree, please sign my petition calling on Democratic leadership to fix our nation’s broken tax system and demand the wealthiest people in the world start paying their fair share.

It is fundamentally immoral when the wealthiest in this nation pay nothing while millions of working people are suffering, worried about keeping a roof over their heads or a meal on their table.

If we’re going to have any hope of putting our bold progressive agenda to work, we need economic justice, and we need it now. It’s time the rich pay their fair share.

Thank you in advance for standing with me today on this critically important issue.

In solidarity,

Ed Markey


Paid for by The Markey Committee

The Markey Committee
PO Box 120029
Boston, MA 02112
United States

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