June 12, 2021
Dear Friend,
Just weeks after True the Vote's Dan Gelernter demonstrated that the debate over voting bills before congress was a classic bait-and-switch ploy, we see his analysis being proved true in the news.
"Suppose S1 was designed to get a different bill passed, by making the other bill look moderate," Dan wrote. And that's the frame that was used for the "dissent" among Democrats. That's now the exact frame being used to bash Mitch McConnell as intransigent for his opposition to the John Lewis Voting Rights Act.
In this week's newsletter, Dan explains the few differences and many similarities between the two pieces of legislation, and why either would be a disaster for the country. That's why it is so important to bring "the heat."
We're continuing our work on every front here at True the Vote, with our expanded staff and new office humming. Your support and patriotism are what keep us, and America, moving toward what is right, and what is honest. Thank you for all you do, and stay tuned for a major project announcement coming soon.
Ever onward -
