
In just a moment, I’ll ask you to split a contribution between Senator Chris Van Hollen and my campaign, but first let me explain why we can’t take Maryland’s Senate seat for granted — and what will happen to our progressive agenda without it.

Back in 2008, Chris chaired the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and helped elect 21 new Democrats to boost our House majority, votes that were indispensable in passing the Affordable Care Act.

Then, he took on the tough job of chairing the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee in 2018 with a map that heavily favored Republicans — and managed to help flip Arizona and Nevada blue, winning twice as many races as the GOP.

But Chris isn’t just an experienced, indispensable campaigner within our Democratic Caucus. More important than that, he is a steadfast champion for economic, social, racial, and environmental justice. He is a friend and has been a crucial partner on important issues.

You may think his seat is safe, but Maryland has a popular Republican governor, and Mitch McConnell is actively recruiting a deep-pocketed challenger to help take back the Senate gavel.

If we lose Maryland, our chances of controlling the Senate majority after 2022 go out the window. That’s why we can’t take Chris’ race for granted.

Please, will you split a $10 donation between Chris Van Hollen and my campaign? I am humbly asking — your grassroots support makes a tremendous difference in helping our campaigns.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your split donation between Cory Booker and Chris Van Hollen will go through immediately:

Mitch McConnell is standing in the way of progress at every opportunity — and yet we’ve already distributed hundreds of millions of vaccinations and provided critical support for working families, parents, and small businesses with the American Rescue Plan.

There is a lot more that we have to accomplish between now and 2022, and beyond. That’s why we can’t afford to lose Chris in the Senate.

Thanks for stepping up and supporting Chris and me today.

— Cory