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Dear Fellow Patriot,

I’m amazed. 

A week after the revelations about Fauci’s lies and his crimes against humanity, he still hasn’t been arrested and put in jail, where he belongs. 

Fauci knew:

  • Lockdowns weren’t scientific
  • Asymptomatic spread was a LIE
  • Masks didn’t work
  • America was funding dangerous “gain of function” research in CHINA
  • The virus likely came from a lab, not a wet market

Americans died as a result of his lies. Think of the overdoses and the suicides because of the non-scientific lockdowns. 

He committed crimes against humanity, and we’re simply supposed to move on? 

I won’t move on until justice is done. 

Help me make that happen by chipping into my U.S. Senate campaign today

When I’m in Washington, I won’t rest until we get to the bottom of how these unelected, unaccountable, corrupt bureaucrats gained so much power -- and why they lied to us for so long.

My RINO opponent doesn’t care. 

He hasn’t asked a SINGLE question, or demanded a SINGLE answer. 

Like all the other RINOs, he is part of the D.C. Swamp, and will protect its power at all costs. 

To him, it’s not about representing you -- it’s about protecting Special Interests and keeping POWER. 

You can help send an America First Patriot to the U.S. Senate with a generous contribution to my campaign right away

It’s time to take back our government for YOU -- the American People -- and I’m the person for the job.

I look around, and I see so many problems that need fixing. 

I am laser focused on holding the powerful Swamp Creatures accountable for their lies, their corruption, and their out-of-control fraud and abuse. 

They purged President Trump because he was onto them. 

But they can’t stop all of us if we stick together. 

There will be an America First Wave like we’ve never seen before in 2022, and you can be a part of it by chipping into my campaign today

If we’re going to fight back against the powerful Special Interests, we MUST start fighting now, because they have MILLIONS and MILLIONS of dollars to spend to try to keep their power. 

That’s why I’m asking for your generous donations today -- whether it’s $10, $25, $50, $100, $250, or anything up to the federal maximum of $2800 -- to help make the America First Wave of 2022 a reality

Thank you in advance for helping me hold the powers that be accountable. 

For America,

Jan Morgan Signature
Jan Morgan

Republican for U.S. Senate, Arkansas

P.S. Fauci lied and Americans died. He must pay for his crimes against humanity.

Help me hold him and the rest of the Swamp accountable by chipping into my U.S. Senate campaign today.

Jan Morgan for Senate Website
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