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Dear John,

This is a long email, but it's important, so I hope you'll keep reading. As gun violence continues to ravage our communities, I wanted to collect my thoughts and tell you what I'm focused on when it comes to legislation, and what steps we can take to address this national crisis.

For the past month, I've been in regular contact with Democratic and Republican colleagues alike, working to find a bipartisan way forward on common-sense gun safety legislation.

After several conversations, I am optimistic that a bill that Senator Pat Toomey and I have written and introduced, the NICS Denial Notification Act, will protect our communities from gun violence. This is a common-sense, reasonable initiative that would involve notifying state law enforcement when someone who really shouldn't have a gun goes to a store, lies on their background check, and tries to buy one.

If we come together, we can pass common-sense gun safety legislation. The American people deserve no less.

If you agree, add your name right now to demand President Trump show some leadership and put a stop to this reckless inaction on gun reform →

There is a lot we could and should do on background checks, on taking weapons of war off the streets of the United States, in dealing with mental health. But we need to start by taking action right now.

My bill, along with the background check bill the House already passed, has the support of the vast majority of Americans. They won't stop every shooting, but they will make a difference.

It's time to stand with the American public on gun safety. The people want action on common-sense gun safety legislation, and doing nothing is no longer an option.

It's time for President Trump to listen to the American people. Join me in calling on the President to take action on gun safety reform now.

Thank you,


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