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Weekend Edition, June 12-13, 2021

Buckle Up! The May CPI Was No Transitory Blip

David Stockman

Don’t Defund the Police, Defund the …

L. Reichard White

How To Never Wear a Face Mask in an Uber, Taxi, or Lyft Again

Allan Stevo

Two-Tier Societies Are Emerging, With Dwindling Rights For the Unvaccinated

Rachel Marsden

Struggle Session

James Howard Kunstler

Evidence Mounts — Chauvin Did Not Murder Floyd

Jack Cashill

Is a ‘Climate Lockdown’ on the Horizon?

Kit Knightly

Yale Law Descends into Commie Hell


Oblivious Financial Media Downplay Inflation

Peter Schiff

Putin Fully Agrees With Me

Dmitry Orlov

Journalist Cancelled for a Joke

Brendan O’Neill

CDC Caught Cooking the Books on Covid Vaccines

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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