How the Washington DC team is using the once-in-a-generation chance to achieve more equitable policies for survivors and violence prevention. Email not displaying correctly?
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Washington Update:

A once-in-a-generation chance to make progress

Every survivor of violence deserves safety, economic security, and a pathway to a life free of violence. The Biden-Harris administration and leaders in Congress have created a once-in-a-generation opportunity for our nation to take bold action to help families recover from the pandemic, advance social justice, and build back in ways that help us all live lives that are safe and secure. It’s a chance we are determined not to miss!

That’s why the FUTURES Washington DC Team is working with Congress right now on a series of vitally important initiatives that can stop violence against women and children and bring transformative community change. We hope we can count on your help!

The Violence Against Women Act has expired and the House of Representatives passed a reauthorization bill, but the Senate has not. President Joe Biden has been personally calling on Senators to pass a bill this year. FUTURES staff has been advising them to focus more on prevention and public health approaches in this essential law. Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Joni Ernst (R-IA) are trying to craft a bill that will win bipartisan support. We’ll let you know as soon as that bill is written and look forward to your help when it’s introduced. We hope to have good news soon!

The Victims of Crime Act legislation is still languishing in the Senate. Every Attorney General in the country supports it, and almost 60 senators are co-sponsors, but one or two Senators are holding it up. Please, send this action alert to your senators if they are not supporting the bill. Already more than $500 million that would have gone into the Crime Victims Fund has been lost. Click here to take action:

We also want to update you on our international advocacy. FUTURES co-chairs the Coalition to End Violence Against Women and Girls Globally and leads efforts in Washington to increase funding for programs that reduce violence against women and children worldwide. FUTURES staff met recently with the White House Advisor on Gender-Based Violence and members of the National Security Council to press our case that, just as we are investing to end violence against women and children in the United States, we should do the same globally.  

We are building momentum for the Girls Lead Act. This legislation would support organizations globally that are helping create opportunities to nurture the talents of girls, who too often become victims of violence and trafficking. Click here to take action:

Finally, we are pleased to share the news that millions of families across America will receive tax credits or payments beginning in July to help cover the costs of raising children. This could mean $900 a month for low-income moms with three children. BUT… some families will only receive these funds if they file a tax return for last year -- whether or not they owe taxes. To help get the word out, FUTURES is joining the administration’s Child Tax Credit Awareness Day on Monday, June 21. Please help spread the word. Click here to read more about the child tax credit and efforts to reach our most vulnerable families.

Click here to calculate how much your family could receive from the child tax credit beginning July 15. 

I’m excited to be able to share this work and thank you for all you do to make it possible!

In solidarity,
Esta Signature

Esta Soler
Founder & President

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100 Montgomery St.
The Presidio
San Francisco, CA 94129
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