I’ve been to the border and I’ve worked on policies to secure our borders, but this border crisis continues to get out of hand.
Are we going to sit by and continue letting our country fall by the wayside by issues like the border, or are we going to step up and deliver real solutions to address our country’s problems? I am consistently rated one of the most productive and effective Members of Congress because I am not afraid to work with anyone who is willing to deliver a real solution. But right now, I am being attacked by bitter partisans who don’t want to see our nation’s problems addressed.
I could use YOUR help. Will you consider donating to my campaign today so that I can continue to be effective in Congress, and deliver solutions to issues that we care about like border security? Thank you so much for your continued support.
Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick Paid for by Brian Fitzpatrick for All of Us.
Brian Fitzpatrick for All of Us
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