
The Primary Election is over and we now know who the Republican nominee facing off with Governor Murphy will be -- longtime Trenton insider, Trump fan, Christie collaborator, and former Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli. Read our new blog post laying out five things to know about Republican Ciattarelli, from his embrace of Trump’s election lies to his extreme conservative positions on critical issues. 

Header: Gov. Murphy Update

Governor Murphy and his team are continuing the state’s incredibly successful vaccine distribution campaign, which is now recognized as one of the best in the nation. Over 5.5 million residents have now received at least their first shot, which ranks sixth among all states. This tremendous progress is helping us all get closer to returning to our normal lives as businesses reopen, public events start to be scheduled again and families and friends are reunited after so much time apart. 

For up to date information regarding new cases and directives regarding coronavirus, or information on vaccine registration and signup, visit the state’s dedicated COVID-19 Information Hub or follow Governor Murphy’s official pages on social media. You can also reach the state’s Vaccine Call Center at 1-855-568-0545.  

Twitter: @GovMurphy

Header: President Biden Update

While New Jersey and the country as a whole are making enormous strides in defeating COVID-19, the same cannot be said about many other countries where access to lifesaving vaccines is currently not possible. President Biden announced this week that his administration would provide 500 million doses to countries around the world to help them begin their own vaccine programs. This is not only the moral choice, it’s also a smart investment as eradicating the pandemic across the globe is the only way to ensure that it never rises again in our own communities. 

Thank you, 

Chairman John Currie 


Paid for by the New Jersey Democratic State Committee.

New Jersey Democratic State Committee
194-196 West State Street
Trenton, NJ 08608
United States

