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We hope you’re enjoying what you’ve been reading so far on prospect.org. Here is a "TL;DR" sample of our content, so you can get to know our brand of journalism a little better.


This series looks at what Biden’s American Jobs Plan, American Families Plan, and a variety of tax measures mean in real life. Our journalists analyze prospective policies and assess their potential impact. One of the most popular pieces from the series so far is Staff Writer Alex Sammon’s "Biden’s Promising, Problematic Plan to Plug Orphaned Oil and Gas Wells," explaining how $16 billion dedicated to cleaning up abandoned fossil fuel sites may serve as a bailout for irresponsible oil companies.


Spearheaded by Editor-at-Large Harold Meyerson, the Prospect’s expert on labor issues, this series shows how workers who often fall through the cracks—day laborers, domestics, fry cooks, etc.—are building institutions through worker centers to win power and better their lives. Closing out the series, Writing Fellow Brittany Gibson and Editorial Intern Jarod Facundo put together an expansive and fascinating oral history of five activists from across the country who've worked in and for worker centers.

From Our Climate Change, Monopolies, and Immigration Print Issue
Climate change, immigration and monopolies were topics in our March/April issue -- and you can see a discussion on them from our live event. In this incredible deep-dive feature, "Islands in the Stream," Executive Editor David Dayen talks to musicians and industry leaders, sharing their personal stories as he investigates how artists today are in peril, and at the mercy of giant monopolies who profit off of their work on every level.

Subscribe to receive our print issue here.


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