Can Kentucky’s governor ignore the law?

The Kentucky Supreme Court this week heard oral argument in a pair of cases addressing whether Gov. Andy Beshear can ignore the laws of the commonwealth.

Oliver Dunford argued on behalf of three restaurant owners challenging Beshear’s now-illegal enforcement of restrictions on private businesses. He tells us why other states are keeping close watch on the outcome in the Bluegrass State.

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PLF on Fox News: Kentucky court showdown is national bellwether of limits on emergency powers

On Thursday, Ted Mitzlaff and two fellow business owners brought their case to the Kentucky Supreme Court, in hopes of finally ending Gov. Andy Beshear’s enforcement of COVID-related orders that expired under new laws passed back in February.

Earlier in the day, Fox News invited Ted and PLF Senior Attorney Steve Simpson to preview the argument and explain why all states are keeping a close eye on the Bluegrass State and the outcome in Goodwood Brewing Company LLC v. Beshear.


Are mandatory vaccinations and vaccine passports constitutional?

As COVID vaccines continue to become more widely available, the conversation has turned to government-mandated vaccinations and vaccine passports.

But are these policies constitutional?

Jim Burling says that while the answer is not so simple, America does have extensive experience with the issue.

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The unintended consequences of CDC’s national eviction moratorium

Newton’s third law of physics is that for every action in nature, there is an equal and opposite reaction. That rule also seems to apply when it comes to regulating free enterprise.

That is to say, regulation always has unintended consequences—some predictable, others less obvious. And as Luke Wake explains, that rule is in play especially when government meddles in the housing market—such as recent federal, state, and local eviction bans.

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