Twin Ports DSA Members and Associates:

This is a reminder that our in-person, back yard chapter casual get-together is Saturday at 6 pm at Kyrsten and Troy's house. The correction is that the address is 3724 Allendale Avenue (not 3734) in Duluth. To get there, take Woodland to Owatonna, drive up to Allendale, and it's the green house on the corner. You can park on Allendale, but not the cross streets.

Snacks are provided, but if you want to add to the pile feel free. Bring a beverage of choice, and you might want to throw a folding chair in the car. I'm bringing extras to share for those who don't have them.

There will be a fire, and the weather is predicted to be nice Saturday, but bring a light jacket for the evening cool-down.

I hope to see you there!

In solidarity,
John Krumm
TPDSA Secretary
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