Please help before our June 30th deadline.

June 11th, 2021


In a few weeks our nation will pass the half year mark since the Biden inauguration and the seating of a new democratic majority in congress.  It is clear the administration has brought a new direction in foreign and domestic policy, supported by a competent cabinet. The new majority in the house and senate passed the American rescue plan which would never have happened without your support in the 2020 election. That law transformed the struggling vaccination program in the US, and stopped the slide in monthly job numbers that still persisted in December, 2020. The encouraging return to normalcy via vaccination is definitely the product of last fall’s election that restored science and public health in America in the White House and on Capitol Hill. The Rescue Plan also provided a helping hand to struggling Americans that is still unfolding in real time.


Like clockwork though, Senate and House republicans led by Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy are doing all they can to obstruct and delay critical next steps to provide more than just relief, in the form of a pro growth infrastructure bill. Their one and only concern is protecting the top 1% from paying a fair share to help our country. As Mitch brazenly admitted, he, McCarthy, and special interests are gearing up towards the 2022 midterms to take back power and intensify their obstructionism.


That’s why the upcoming June 30th reporting deadline is so important.  In eastern Connecticut, opponents are gathering and already starting their campaigns to run against me next year. Right wing Washington DC direct mail consultants are already raising money in the second district. As we have seen in recent years, Connecticut republicans are convinced that eastern Connecticut is a prime target in their 2022 plans.


You and I both know that we cannot take anything for granted in eastern Connecticut. We have protected this seat by working hard and earning every vote - and we need to be ready to do it again.


With your support, I’ve always been ready for a fight. And that fight has never been more important with so much on the line for our region, our state and our nation. Will you help today with a $500, $250, $100, or $25 donation?


Your support early on will show that we are energized and ready to take on whatever comes our way over the next two years. 


Thank you again for your continued support,





Paid for by Courtney for Congress

Courtney for Congress
PO Box 1372
Vernon, CT 06066
United States