From Data for Progress <[email protected]>
Subject It’s Joe Manchin’s Houseboat, We’re Just Nauseous On It
Date June 11, 2021 1:29 PM
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Welcome back to the Data for Progress newsletter, your weekly update on our research, blog posts, and memos.


You might have caught our Executive Director Sean’s dad joke ([link removed]) this week: “It's Joe Manchin's houseboat. We're all just getting nauseous on it.” It’s a good one, Sean (and seriously... who lives on a houseboat?) but it’s also a worrying reality: progressives have to bring centrist senators like Joe Manchin aboard on any policy Dems want to pass. Even if it is Joe Manchin’s world, he should know that the legislation he’s blocking — like the For the People Act — is extremely popular in his state. ([link removed])

Speaking of the world — new polling by us, David Binder Research, and Open Society Foundations finds that Americans want to vaccinate it. In a new memo ([link removed]) , we find that likely voters overwhelmingly link a pandemic recovery in the U.S. to a global recovery, one which involves vaccinating countries around the world.

To be more specific:
* 83% of voters want to share extra vaccines we have with other countries
* 89% voters want governments and pharmaceutical companies across the world to collaborate to end the pandemic
* 74% of voters want the U.S. to help countries like India who are overwhelmed by the coronavirus
* 76% of voters also want the U.S. to take a leading role in the global initiative to vaccinate countries across the world, with high levels of support across partisanship

You can read the full memo here ([link removed]) .
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Here are some other highlights from DFP over the past week:

GND Slate Update!

The city of San Antonio manages CPS Energy, the largest public utility in the U.S. Now, two new progressive champions on the San Antonio City Council will hold CPS accountable and fight for a just transition to a clean energy economy.

Two of our Green New Deal Slate candidates with Lead Locally — organizer and housing advocate Teri Castillo and math teacher Jalen McKee Rodriguez — won key runoff elections on Saturday. We’re excited to watch these City Councillors-elect fight for a Green New Deal for Public Housing and urgently-needed climate justice solutions at the local level. Help more down-ballot climate champions win key races by donating to our Green New Deal Slate now ([link removed]) !

Voters Firmly Reject Efforts to Overturn Roe v. Wade

In May, the Supreme Court announced that it will hear a case concerning a Mississippi law that would ban most abortions 15 weeks into pregnancy. This would give the court the opportunity to effectively strike down the constitutional right to an abortion established by Roe v. Wade. But in new polling ([link removed]) , we find that voters are having none of it — a clear majority of voters, including a 44-point margin of Independents and nearly two-fifths of Republicans, think the Supreme Court should uphold Roe v. Wade.

Who’s hesitant to get vaccinated? A lot of non-voters.

It’s been well-documented that Trump voters are far more likely to refuse to get vaccinated than Biden voters. But if you look at the pool of Americans who are vaccine-hesitant, the most common type of voter you’ll see isn’t the Trump voter — it’s the non-voter.

A new analysis on the DFP blog ([link removed]) by Zachary Hertz shows that 46 percent of “very unlikely to get vaccinated” Americans didn’t vote in the 2020 election. The piece also breaks down which groups are getting vaxxed by age, race, religion, and party — be sure to give it a read ([link removed]) !

From Data for Progress
Memo: Voters Want the U.S. to Take the Lead In Vaccinating the Rest of the World ([link removed])
Blog: Voters Across Six Key States Support Investments in Infrastructure, Manufacturing, Clean Energy, and Care Economy to Rebuild Economy ([link removed])
Blog: Voters Agree That the Supreme Court Should Uphold Roe v. Wade ([link removed])
Blog: Investigating What Demographics Predict Adamant Vaccine Holdouts ([link removed])
Blog: Broadband: The 21st Century Highway for Human Rights ([link removed])
Blog: Oil and Gas Supermajors Have Responsibility to Address Climate Change — Because it’s Good for Business ([link removed])

DFP In The News
NBC:Biden's infrastructure talks with GOP collapse amid irreconcilable differences ([link removed])
Los Angeles Times:Column: What’s the matter with Kyrsten Sinema? ([link removed])
The Hill:Biden should go it alone ([link removed])
Pennsylvania News Today: Can You Expect Another Relief Payment? ([link removed])
Vox:Democratic voters are divided on whether Biden should crack down on Israel ([link removed])
Truthout:Most Voters Prefer Biden’s Infrastructure Plan Over Smaller GOP Proposal ([link removed])
Truthout:Senate Parliamentarian Creates New Obstacle for Dems’ Infrastructure Plans ([link removed])
The American Independent:New poll shows voting rights legislation is widely popular — as GOP prepares to block it ([link removed])
Sun Sentinel:Biden’s support for Israel during Gaza conflict gets mixed results among voters, poll finds ([link removed])
The National Interest:New Stimulus Check Update: The Very Real Reason Biden Could Do It ([link removed])
Common Dreams:"Might as Well Be Titled, 'Why I'll Vote to Preserve Jim Crow'": Manchin Panned Over Op-Ed Against For the People Act ([link removed])
The Morning Call:Your View: Biden’s American Jobs Plan means a healthier, cleaner, more economically sound future for the Lehigh Valley ([link removed])

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