
We know that neonicotinoids -- the most widely used class of pesticides in the world -- are a major contributor to bee die-offs.1 That's bad news because bees are responsible for pollinating a majority of the world's food supply (including your coffee).2

What's shocking is just how frequently neonics are used. They're not only a commercial pesticide. If you have any plants -- a garden, a lawn, a houseplant habit that's getting out of hand -- you've probably seen products with neonics at your local garden store. Or, if you're shopping online these days, on Amazon.

The next step is clear: Add your name to the growing number of people asking Amazon to stop selling products containing neonics.

Thanks to some fantastic advocacy work, several major companies have committed to stop selling or to limit the sale of neonics already. But one of the biggest and most influential companies in the world -- Amazon -- has yet to make that pledge, despite clear and mounting evidence that neonics harm our bees, and therefore our food supply.

We all rely on bees, and at U.S. PIRG, we're going to jump at any chance to protect them (and our food). For years, PIRG has worked to zero out toxic chemicals that put our health at risk, whether they're in food packaging or in the garden aisle. With millions of bees dying off, we have to take action to ensure that staple crops don't fail.

You can make a difference for bees -- add your name today.

We know that there are times where it feels like one individual can't make a difference because the problem is too big or too complicated. The good news is that this is not one of those times. We can save the bees. Today you can join with thousands of people who want the same thing -- a healthier, safer world. And with enough of us together, we can convince one of the biggest companies on the planet to help protect bees all across the globe.

Take a step forward for bees: convince Amazon to stop selling neonics.

Toward a better world,

Faye Park

1. Roni Dengler, "Neonicotinoid pesticides are slowly killing bees," PBS, June 29, 2017.
2. "Ban Bee-Killing Pesticides," U.S. PIRG.