Climate voters delivered the White House for Democrats in 2020. We gave Democrats a majority and a climate mandate in the Senate. So today, we have an urgent demand for Democrats in the White House and the Senate: If climate isn't central to an infrastructure bill, there's no deal. Period.
So let us be perfectly clear: The latest talk about a gutless, small-beans proposal is absolutely 100% unacceptable.
Fortunately, more and more Democratic senators are standing up and drawing a line.
And we are, too. Click here to tell your friends and family where you and Senate climate champions stand: Share this graphic and tell them you don't support an infrastructure bill without bold climate action.

Here's what climate-focused senators are saying:
From Senator Martin Heinrich (D-NM): "There is little appetite in the Democratic caucus for an infrastructure plan that ignores the greatest crisis, the most existential crisis that we face."
Senator Tina Smith (D-MN) tweeted, "We can't let climate fall away from the infrastructure negotiations. It's the cornerstone."
And Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) said, "No climate, no deal."
With climate champions like these standing up for our interests in the Senate, an infrastructure bill that centers climate and environmental justice is still very possible.
Spread the word today: No climate, no deal.
Jamal Raad
Co-Founder and Executive Director, Evergreen Action