Yesterday, I joined my Senate colleagues and national civic and faith leaders for a rally in support for S.1, the For the People Act.

We stood at the steps of the Supreme Court—where a majority of conservative justices gutted the Voting Rights Act and opened the floodgates to dark money in politics with Citizens United. And I made it crystal clear:
If we’re going to have a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, then we need to ensure every voice is heard. We need to pass the For the People Act to defend our democracy. And if Republicans try to filibuster the bill, then we need to dump the filibuster.
The right to vote—our very Democracy—is under attack. It’s going to take all of us raising our voices together to pass this transformative legislation in the Senate.
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After historic turnout and increased mail-in voting in 2020, GOP lawmakers have introduced over 250 bills with provisions that restrict voting access in nearly all 50 states. Republicans believe their only pathway to power is through voter suppression.
I’m particularly proud that the Voter Empowerment Act—the bill I introduced with the late Congressman John Lewis—is a key component of this reform package.
It’s based on the simple premise that we should be making it easier for Americans to vote. That means expanding early and absentee voting; restoring voting rights to formerly incarcerated individuals; prohibiting voter roll purges (like what we saw last year in Georgia and Ohio); requiring 15 days of early voting for federal elections nationwide; and more funding for election security.
But while this bill passed the House, it faces an uphill battle in the Senate. That’s why I need you with me today. It’s on Congress to fight back, protect our democracy and dismantle the systems of voter suppression that have silenced too many Americans for far too long.
Thank you for standing with us,