Hi John,
As you read this email, I pray for God to move in your heart. In the midst of a turbulent year with the pandemic, riots, and nationwide instability, you’ve been incredibly faithful. And I am so grateful!
But even as I write, the fight to save the precious lives of preborn children has never been more significant. In what seemed like an instant, so many critical pro-life protections have been overridden and simply tossed out.
I thank God for your prayers and support to relentlessly reach and rescue more preborn children from the clutches of abortion. And I thank God for YOU — the work and outreach you’ve made possible through the National Rescue System have been nothing short of miraculous.
Even so, we must do more in the year ahead. Especially as Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry have their allies in positions of power within the government, using their influence to target moms more aggressively than ever.
God is calling us, together with your help, to expand the lifesaving rescue effort even further. To extend the hands and feet of Jesus to rescue more lives in the year ahead. And to demonstrate His love and compassion to more families who simply don’t know they have other options than choosing abortion.
But I need your help today.
Especially as Human Coalition is heading toward the end of its fiscal year on June 30. This time is crucial for the year of ministry ahead. How things land over the next few weeks will ultimately determine whether we can move strongly forward. Because any loss of momentum means fewer children will be rescued.
That’s why I need you to know that we must raise $640,295 by the June 30 deadline.
John, I know you have already given so much. But I pray pro-life champions like you will help meet this goal before the fiscal year-end deadline. When you do, you will be ensuring as many preborn children as possible can be rescued from abortion in the year ahead. Will you give as generously as you can – $100, $200, or your best gift – RIGHT NOW? www.HumanCoalition.org/June-FYE/

I know that it can be difficult to fully picture the impact your prayers and support make in the lives of moms and families facing unexpected pregnancies. Here are just a few messages of gratitude from the moms YOU have rescued…
“Knowing that I have the clinic’s support despite the chaos happening around the country is what helped me stay calm.” – “Amber”
“I just want to let you guys know that I’m very grateful for everything you guys have done for me since day one… I can’t tell you guys enough how much I thank you and appreciate it, and I pray that others get to experience the same love that I have over this time...” – “Lucy”
“[Our daughter] spent 28 days in the NICU, and [you] provided us with resources during and after this process. We are so thankful for the many wonderful people who made sure our family smiled through this incredibly hard time. I cannot say thank you enough!” – “Emily”
“We went to three different stores today in an attempt to find wipes and had no luck. But when we came home, y’all had a box waiting for us. Words can’t begin to describe how much of a blessing y’all are!” – “Diana”
Aren’t these messages inspiring? This represents just a fraction of the impact your partnership makes every day. And it’s for the sake of so many others like them who still need to be rescued that I pray you’ll give generously TODAY.
Please don’t delay. Your gift is urgently needed to keep the lifesaving rescue effort moving strongly forward in the year ahead. Will you give an immediate, lifesaving gift to provide the help and hope moms facing unexpected pregnancies need to choose LIFE for their children? www.HumanCoalition.org/June-FYE/
Thank you for your ongoing partnership in this mission. God bless you!
For children and families,
Jeff Bradford
P.S. — Don’t forget – your special fiscal year-end gift must be received by June 30 to keep the lifesaving momentum going and rescue even more preborn children in the coming year. Will you give $100, $200, or your best gift now – before it’s too late? www.HumanCoalition.org/June-FYE/