This week: messaging advice on pending Supreme Court decisions

NOTE: Given the broad relevance of the topics we are covering this week, we are sending this edition of The Amp to our full email list. If you would like to receive emails like this regularly, you can subscribe by emailing our team at amp@opportunity​

Amplify Values in These Emerging Issues

Messaging Advice on Upcoming Supreme Court Decisions

As the Supreme Court term winds down over the next few weeks, important decisions regarding LGBTQ rights, the Affordable Care Act, voting rights, and criminal justice are expected. Now is a good time to review our messaging advice for talking about Supreme Court cases in general, and these cases in particular. Read More ⭢

Five Strategies for Talking About Anti-Asian Racism

As we mark one year since racial justice protests swept the nation, we are seeing more people starting to understand how systemic racism impacts Asian American communities. However, anti-Asian attacks continue to rise across the country. In consultation with racial justice advocates Gregory Cendana and AJ Titong we have assembled five strategies for talking about anti-Asian hate, as a starting place for tackling the long-term narrative shift work that helps create a more just and equitable world. Read More ⭢

Upcoming Media Hooks and Events


June 25, 2pm ET: Join this month's Narrative Research Lab webinar. Julie Fisher-Rowe and Porshèa Patterson-Hurst of The Opportunity Agenda will present on audience stances on relevant issues such as political and racial division, systemic racism, immigration as compiled in analysis by Lake Research and Symphonic Strategies. Register here.  

June is LGBTQ Pride Month, Immigrant Heritage Month, and African American Music Month  

June 20: World Refugee Day


Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Cultural Hooks:

June 12, 1967 - Supreme Court decision in Loving v. Virginia ends bans on interracial marriage

June 12, 1987 - President Ronald Reagan delivers his "Tear down this wall" speech

June 13, 1966 - Supreme Court decision in Ernesto Miranda v. Arizona creates law enforcement procedure of reminding suspects of their rights when being arrested

June 15, 2012 - President Barack Obama announces DACA program for childhood immigrants

June 15, 1982 - Supreme Court decision in Plyler v. Doe forbids states from denying immigrants K-12 education

June 19, 1865 - Emancipation frees the last enslaved Americans in Texas, now known as Juneteenth.

June 20, 1944 - President Truman signs the G.I. Bill

June 26, 2018 - Supreme Court upholds third iteration of President Donald Trump's Muslim Ban

June 27, 2015 - Activist Bree Newsome removes Confederate battle flag at South Carolina Capitol

June 28, 1969 - Stonewall uprising in New York City

June 29, 1956 - President Dwight Eisenhower signs the Federal Aid Highway Act

June 29, 1972 - Supreme Court decision in Furman v. Georgia ends death penalty, a decision revisited and overturned by the court four years later

June 30, 2018 - Nationwide protests against President Donald Trump's policy of separating immigrant families


Image credits: Public domain, NYC Dept. of Cultural Affairs, The Opportunity Agenda, Selina Alko, public domain.

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