Can you chip in $3 today? I’ll explain in a bit.

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We won our race and flipped a Senate seat last year because of folks like you chipping in $3. And that’s exactly how we’ll protect our Democratic Senate majority, too.

But unfortunately, our fundraising has taken quite a hit in recent weeks. Look, I get it. Now that Democrats are in charge, it’s easy to stop paying attention.

That’s what Mitch McConnell wants. National Republicans are hoping we get complacent as they plot ways to attack vulnerable Democrats and retake the majorities in Washington.

FiveThirtyEight even says “Republicans are on track to take back the House in 2022” and the Washington Post reports that the “GOP looks to win back the Senate in 2022.”

Folks, we’ve got a tough fight on our hands. And I’ll need your help to build the resources it will take to overcome the GOP’s attacks and protect our Democratic majorities in Congress. Can you donate $3 now?

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Thanks for everything,
